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Have you wanted to do something but it’s not the “right time” or you have always wanted to do something but it was out of your comfort zone, well this is the basis of the challenge. Think of something you would like to achieve enroll in the challenge (by joining our community and posting your goal here) which announces your goal to the world.

Yes, this is can be a scary process, I certainly struggled and had a fear of failure when I announced I would run and bike to Washington. I had know idea if I could accomplish the task, what if I got sick during my event or was injured before the event? Would people think I’m using that as an excuse? How could I stop after all the hard and hours of training? Perseverance and believing I can do it got me through the event.

Announcing it to the world is a major step in achieving your goal. It helps you commit to your undertaken and increase your chance of accomplishing your goal. There will be others who will join the team with their goals and we will create a community of support. â€‹â€‹


Failure is not, not meeting your goal it is when you stop trying. â€‹â€‹


Some ideas for your challenge are: stop smoking, lose weight, join a gym and work out 3 times a week, learn a new language, run 5k. If you care about the environment maybe your challenge is to stop drinking out of water bottles.

Mick Dolan always fancied himself as a performer. Learnt to play guitar several years ago, note he has never written a song before. So his challenge was to release his first song on You Tube. Love this challenge and is a great example of the essence of the challenge.


So please join by joining Walt's Challenge Group on Facebook and sharing your goal in a post and not only will you benefit but you can help others achieve their goal and raise money for charity (more detail to come shortly on this). You can also tag your friends in the post as they may too be interested in accepting the challenge!

Thank you all for your support last year and I hope you join our community.

Live Life to the fullest.


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